ZIG was founded with the idea to allocate the rescources between the East and the West to help the under developed areas in the world. We firmly believe that while we are fortunately enough to live on this Land of Freedom and Hope, it is our responsibility to give a hand to those who are still in needs.
In 2012, Zion International had cooperated with the Godman Saches and CNEKE started the Noni Fruit project in Big Island, Hawaii. Our hardworking which had led a massive investiments to the noni industry in Hawaii, was highly praised by the State Senator of Hawaii David Misarawa
Tons of Coffee Supplying Power
Only Chinese Coffee Supplier In the U.S.
Working Team both in U.S and in China
Arabica =)
Grown up in the farm in Shandong province, China, Guan knows the best that what farmers are suffering, and has the pssion to help them to raise their living standard. After studied in the China, Guan lived in Thailand's undeveloped region and with the first hand of experience she founded Zion to turn her passion to the reality.
Graduated from the most pretigious university of China, and started her professional business management career in her teens. Shirley has an intense sensitiviy on current business trend and amazing internpersonal communication skills. Her implementation capacity is what pushing the Zion International Group forward.
Ryan is a leader in business, education and charity. He is Founder of Sinim Institute and Co-Founder of Zion International Group and other Companies. he is base in California to serve you!
Vice President
Political Science ungraduate student from University of California, Berkeley. With the mind to devote his life into the works of allevating poverty in the Third-World Countries, John works with and beloved by the farmers, for he promotes the market for the farmers meanwhile increased the variaty of goods to the markets in the west